Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Hindu Crossword No. 9844 Monday, May 17, 2010


1 By order, behead no stupid person (8) BONEHEAD*

5 Creep on dam, do! (6) WEIR DO

9 Standard a couple of females at home have for what paper may be coated with (8) PAR A FF IN

10 What one did on the doormat pretty much is plain (6) STEP PE

12 Strip of wood is almost bluish-grey (4) SLAT(-E)

13 Thinner bit of raga included in composition of inept tune (10) TU(R)PENTINE*

15 Help get comfy at bedtime (4,2) TUCK IN

17 A piece of the action in golf? (5) DIVOT

20 Wrongdoer abandons soft part of target (5) (-S)INNER

21 Managed to be back on tier that's of little breadth (6) NAR<-ROW

24 Rep felt cup is broken and becomes tense (10) PLUPERFECT*

27 Enemy surrounding large ice sheet (4) F(L)OE

29 Kind of dismissal suffered by foreign one taking part in conducted tour (3,3) R(UN) OUT*

30 Without a crew, deprived of strength of mind (8) UNMANNED

31 Company of players to gather, we hear (6) TROOPS (~troupes)

32 Rummage broken lunettes (8) UNSETTLE*


1 Give the skip to a kind of surgical procedure (6) BYPASS

2 Just condition met by young boy (6) NORM AL

3 Sound set provided in Hampi's outer limits (4) H U FF

4 What you might say as you leave in France (5) ADIEU

6 Consumed bit of what neta eagerly passed back (5) E ATEN<-

7 Respite for church official covering public relations unit (8) RE(PR)(I)EVE

8 You can't make one without breaking an egg (8) OMELETTE

11 Footloose writer in Californian town recalled beginner(6) O PEN ER

14 Say “I'm happy” as a Siamese might (4) PURR

16 Ruler, one replaced by you, said to have endless fun in martial art (4,2) K(+U)(-I)NG FU(-N)

17 Abandon an ornament (4) DROP

18 Discourage girl's rip-it posture (8) DI'S(PIRIT*)

19 Hint that disparate union is about to wind up (8) INNU(END)O*

22 Scheme by the alien for a heavenly body (6) PLAN ET

23 Dog, with its tail docked but possessing a bit of dependability, for church official (6) BEA(-G)(+D)LE

25 Provide oriental bit of wit (5) E QUIP

26 About unknown clergyman (5) C ANON

28 Feeling of malice in chacha telling (4) HATE


tpa said...

Correction in 3D

Sound Set = Definition
Provided = if
in = inclusion indicator
Hampi's outer limits = Hi
Answer = H{if}i

anokha said...

Thanks a ton, tpa!