Friday, October 31, 2008

The Hindu Crossword No. 9367 Saturday, November 01, 2008


 1 Sell a span to the highest bidder? Game! (7,6) AUCTION BRIDGE

10 Girl on a peak (9) ANNAPURNA

11 Wire rope in a taxi, French article (5) CABLE

12 A bash, possibly liberal (5) PARTY

13 Her pa’s cap, torn, is in discarded stuff (9) SCRAPHEAP

14 Mountain guide needing some refresher patently (6) SHERPA

16 Cheat a prison guard (5) SCREW

19 State of some tea (5) ASSAM

20 Bookshelves off limits to library users (6) STACKS

25 Visual aid for repairing rotten leg (9) LORGNETTE

26 Appearance is all right, with sun reflected all around (5) LOOKS

27 Two points in depression for this lapwing (5) PEWIT

28 Leave tail shaking but provide relief (9) ALLEVIATE

29 Requisition for a fruit dish in perfect condition (5-3,5) APPLE-PIE ORDER


 2 Discouraged by peacekeepers, vender collapsed (8) UNNERVED

 3 Feeling the effects of alcohol, topples over youth leader (5) TIPSY

 4 Hours wasted around the north in a stampede (6) ONRUSH

 5 Sporting event of Kerala, one for the Nehru Trophy (4,4) BOAT RACE

 6 Just beginning to be different is one pic in ten (9) INCIPIENT

 7 Drinking vessel that is, for a good old boy, a hindrance (6) GOBLET

 8 Affected American in university area (6) CAMPUS

 9 Casual worker with time to risk provocation (5) TEMPT

15 Such care follows delivery (9) POSTNATAL

17 Somehow the gal’s past the point of exhaustion (4,4) LAST GASP

18 Strong praise for reforming a conservative, old ace (8) ACCOLADE

21 A sibling in convent (6) SISTER

22 Waste food cut off in ship (5) SLOPS

23 Become an adult, behave like one (4,2) GROW UP

24 Dinner, for example, that is provided by maize (6) MEALIE

26 The left always is something that can be used to gain advantage (5) LEVER

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Hindu Crossword No. 9366 Friday, October 31, 2008


 1 The spring of the writer’s inspiration? (7) INKWELL

 5 Waiting spot for commuters (3,4) BUS STOP

 9 Where artists may suspend their work? (8,7) PORTRAIT GALLERY

10 In a way, end of activity means lack of interest (6) APATHY

11 Officer and soldiers, in front of church, make a beginning (8) COMMENCE

13 Shortcoming that may be an advantage in sports (8) HANDICAP

15 Robin Hood was one in Sherwood Forest (6) BANDIT

18 Anger about Virginia causes destructive action (6) RAVAGE

19 On the contrary, hairdo gives support (8) BUTTRESS

22 Enormous? Caging it is difficult (8) GIGANTIC

24 Crafty, like a Dickensian (6) ARTFUL

27 Form of government by a Stalin-imitator — awful (15) TOTALITARIANISM

28 Put in proper order a red-top cooking appliance (7) ARRANGE

29 Badge of military rank for revolutionary victory? Right on! (7) CHEVRON


 1 Charge with a serious offence, as was done to Hastings (7) IMPEACH

 2 He has a role in the HUF and in black art adventures (5) KARTA

 3 He may be an alien to an ET (9) EARTHLING

 4 The den that provides a learner with space (4) LAIR

 5 Large, most elevated venue for the circus (3,3) BIG TOP

 6 Place for wayward males (5) SALEM

 7 Fabric treatment that may need a tidy arrangement (3,3,3) TIE AND DYE

 8 Money dished out by Pat, trapping unknown people (7) PAYMENT

12 Butter in computer memory (3) RAM

14 He helps the flier on his way (9) NAVIGATOR

16 Entreat Al somehow to take turns in doing a thing (9) ALTERNATE

17 Firearm, good French one (3) GUN

18 A target smashed in boat race (7) REGATTA

20 Wise ruler unaccompanied on a day (7) SOLOMON

21 Proceed silently, as for a pirouette perhaps (6) TIPTOE

23 It is synthetic in an American city and half of a British one (5) NYLON

25 Man of religion, Robin Hood’s companion (5) FRIAR

26 Dangerous reptile, in short (4) CROC

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Hindu Crossword No. 9365 Thursday, October 30, 2008


 1 A fast runner that a hero cares about (9) RACEHORSE

 5 and 3 Dn. Seems a prickly situation, having to choose between two equally unpalatable alternatives (2,3,5,2,1,7) ON THE HORNS OF A DILEMMA

 8 Nothing so crude could be correct and mannerly (8) DECOROUS

 9 The kind of voice of those who can’t be idle? (6) ACTIVE

11 They accompany fish for a meal (5) CHIPS

12 Does a bank bank on him for money? (9) DEPOSITOR

13 Get rid of one and be there at the door when he goes (3,3) SEE OFF

14 The time preferred for action by the idle (8) TOMORROW

16 An embryonic layer mended or repaired (8) ENDODERM

18 Out of shape? Get physical education in a part of the hospital (6) WARPED

22 Feed humble pie to Hu: e-mail it possibly (9) HUMILIATE

23 The chapter selected is partly brief and to the point (5) TERSE

24 Stay without feeling and render one powerless (6) BENUMB

25 On the right morning, black fish are straggling (8) RAMBLING

26 Puccini’s work that a Scot rewrote (5) TOSCA

27 He is likely to face the court’s wrath (9) CONTEMNER


 1 Repairs a broken bone and simplifies it (7) REDUCES

 2 Drug for a company killer, end of massacre (7) COCAINE

 3 See 5 Ac.

 4 Doctor’s visits are complete revolutions (6) ROUNDS

 5 Piece of furniture used only now and then? (10,5) OCCASIONAL TABLE

 6 Big blow for a swindler (7) TWISTER

 7 One of two that maybe raised in surprise and doubt (7) EYEBROW

10 Container for film, perhaps, coils up (5) SPOOL

15 Deep sound from a grand horse (5) GROAN

16 A showpiece in court (7) EXHIBIT

17 Claims that somehow sadden most initially (7) DEMANDS

19 A helping of food left the champ upset (7) PORTION

20 One ship among a hundred German ones (7) DREDGER

21 Stay behind a marine gone crazy (6) REMAIN

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Hindu Crossword No. 9364 Wednesday, October 29, 2008


 1 Could you repeat that and make another visit? (4,5) COME AGAIN

 5 They denote the speed of playing music softly in odd time (5) TEMPI

 8 A peon suffers a transient cessation of breathing (6) APNOEA

 9 The ‘unready’ English ruler (8) ETHELRED

11 Poles reportedly found in river flowing in Hades (4) STYX

12 Don’t stare so much, not thinking about dangers (10) REGARDLESS

14 He speaks English in Canada … (5) ANGLO

15 … overwhelmed by a projection in action (7) DELUGED

16 Long-legged forest official captures one (7) RANGIER

17 Worthless chap, losing head for a carnivore (5) OTTER

19 A vegetable to make me be too fat? Ridiculous! (4,6) BEEF TOMATO

20 Festive time involving some lawyers (4) MELA

22 Hyderabad: or Secunderabad (4,4) TWIN CITY

23 Kind of tense, as riot is quelled (6) AORIST

24 Author included in a close galaxy of novelists (5) SEGAL

25 For Tom, a record, say, of a list of items (9) CATALOGUE


 1 The reason to include a learner as a part of a contract (6) CLAUSE

 2 Turning black into white? (5,10) MONEY LAUNDERING

 3 Monkey unknown on a peak (4) APEX

 4 Essential details that stun a blond, good man somehow (4,3,5) NUTS AND BOLTS

 5 Surveyor’s tool, an article almost odd, reportedly light (10) THEODOLITE

 6 Growing produce for sale (6,9) MARKET GARDENING

 7 Treated with a halogen, as is some salt (7) IODISED

10 Mysterious mole relating to the theatre? That is excessively overstrained (12) MELODRAMATIC

13 For such a one, numero uno is the most important (10) EGOISTICAL

16 Discounts in levies covering Electricity Board (7) REBATES

18 Make a move on board involving king and rook (6) CASTLE

21 Fencing sword can cause frustration (4) FOIL

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Hindu Crossword No. 9363 Monday, October 27, 2008


 1 Heat treatment to get rid of bugs (14) PASTEURISATION

 8 Place visible from Anantnag purely by chance (6) NAGPUR

 9 An investor’s hope (8) DIVIDEND

11 Singing at Xmas, a profession that captures the heart of Jerome (9) CAROLLING

12 Fertilizer from Goa — new, superior variety (5) GUANO

13 An intellectual to incite the chief (7) EGGHEAD

15 Shutters for a shuteye (7) EYELIDS

17 One who threw out English conqueror (7) EVICTOR

19 Some music that can daze unexpectedly (7) CADENZA

21 Devastation caused by a village officer in the House of Commons (5) HAVOC

23 Show of anger, a feature of Deepavali (9) FIREWORKS

25 The chap you reportedly call is enriching the soil (8) MANURING

26 Go there and do some restoration (6) REPAIR

27 Old-fashioned, like one holding up a newspaper? (6,3,5) BEHIND THE TIMES


 1 Self-assurance that made a Greek god suffer pain (7) PANACHE

 2 Gur, as refined, is a sweet thing (5) SUGAR

 3 Bullet that is new becomes buoyant (9) EBULLIENT

 4 Hairstyle of one unmarried going around capital of Hungary (7) SHINGLE

 5 Object that is a part of the earth in general (5) THING

 6 Musical drama? No, it spells out some work in the theatre (9) OPERATION

 7 Cricket matches around Oxford University are very unpleasant (6) ODIOUS

10 Flier making an offer, that’s about right (4) BIRD

14 Complaint that upsets even Craig (9) GRIEVANCE

16 A grant to stop women suffering start of trauma (9) ENDOWMENT

17 Disinter the one-time philosopher of Scotland (6) EXHUME

18 Well-mannered but showing anger about penalty (7) REFINED

19 Treatment for a priest in France (4) CURE

20 Heavenly ladies like Tilottama perhaps (7) APSARAS

22 A dog, bit of a Rottweiler, separates upset policeman and military officer (5) CORGI

24 The kingdom of a genuine head of men (5) REALM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Hindu Crossword No. 2507 Sunday, October 26, 2008


1 Chris drunk after drop of kmmel and brandy (6) KIRSCH

5 Ruth, for example, born at Lincoln? (4) BABE

8 Fighting with the military in civvies, create diversion (6,7) ACTIVE SERVICE

11 Gullible type flourishing? Blow me! (9) GREENHORN

12 Girl rejected benefit (5) ASSET

13 One invested in property in fact (7) REALITY

15 Set off in time ahead of scaffolder (7) TRIGGER

16 Tragic romance here in Lombardy (7) CREMONA

18 Left in making better game (7) CURLING

20 Zeno, say, coming from Cyprus to Icaria (5) STOIC

21 A drunken sot is after a pint, ordered as a starter! (9) ANTIPASTO

23 Surprised chair, accepted a subordinate position (4,1,4,4) TOOK A BACK SEAT

24 A great deal of land in Kansas I auctioned (4) ASIA

25 Take long steps in shorttrousers (6) STRIDE


2 Similarly situated, like the Owl and the Pussy-Cat? (2,3,4,4) IN THE SAME BOAT

3 Number, small, not odd? (5) SEVEN

4 One article supportinghospital's record (7) HISTORY

5 Title, one held by composer (7) BARONET

6 Costume worn by a bride bemused army officer (9) BRIGADIER

7 Risk daughter's wrath (6) DANGER

9 Strangest idea involved a West Sussex town (4,9) EAST GRINSTEAD

10 Celebrity launch, unfinished (4) STAR

14 Annoyed after golf club medal (4,5) IRON CROSS

16 Mould in shed (4) CAST

17 A monk accomodating a bishop in a US state (7) ALABAMA

18 Blade wounded girl (7) CUTLASS

19 Take rubbish over to cave (6) GROTTO

22 Writer holding king and queen in card game (5) POKER

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Hindu Crossword No. 9357 Monday, October 20, 2008

Back in US from a long trip across Asia-Pac. Will be out traveling internally couple days a week for some more time. Will post as much as I can! Who is M. Manna? Compiler? The name never appeared before. This thing feels different now ....................


 1 Overall scheme for teacher to design (6,4) MASTER PLAN

 6 Good old man takes path to climb (4) STEE

 9 Mix drink swallowing fish (5,2) SHAKE UP

10 Swallow single drink (7) MARTINI

12 Many spoke, but not plainly (8) MUTTERED

13 Sire married to a niggardly person (5) MISER

15 Scholar lies for the boy (5) ELLIS

17 Correction to last word daughter made to persons on time (9) AMENDMENT

19 Holding quality here in dance medley (9) ADHERENCE

21 Nothing on the girl to catch (5) LASSO

23 Stranger has been made to hurry (5) HASTE

24 Curve formed by flexible chord hanging between two points (8) CATENARY

27 Salient sort of protein that can be stretched (7) ELASTIN

28 Silver in unconventional setting is an abomination (7) OUTRAGE

29 The cyclic rise and fall of the ocean (4) TIDE

30 Concerned but not impartial (10) INTERESTED


 1 Order for silence on Middle Eastern network (4) MESH

 2 Chekhov’s dramatic flier (7) SEAGULL

 3 Hesitate to go to market square to establish (5) ERECT

 4 National profit appearing in another form (5,4) PAPER GAIN

 5 Right to have provided means of defence (5) ARMED

 7 Steer it, to make an Adriatic port (7) TRIESTE

 8 English and Russian fighters share the flight abroad (10) EMIGRATION

11 Note pattern made for student requires a reshape (7) REMODEL

14 Aloofness of a body of troops (10) DETACHMENT

16 A glider would make an unusual present (7) SERPENT

18 One of the chosen bar, note, a powerful conductor (9) ELECTRODE

20 Use cautiously and frugally (7) HUSBAND

22 One paid to work in tavern’s restoration (7) SERVANT

24 Church decree from this priest? (5) CANON

25 One cannot rent sodium carbonate! (5) NITRE

26 The man with the editor receives attention (4) HEED

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Traveling for work

Out in various Asia-Pac countries for three weeks. Will start posting from Oct 19th onwards .................