Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Hindu Crossword No. 9541 Monday, May 25, 2009


1 Bank employee confronted by vast sum of money sees a future (7,6) FORTUNE TELLER

8 Note it is the obvious choice (7) NATURAL

9 Particular concerning parking in school environs (7) RESPECT?

11 Silk fabric worn by small number in dance one leaves at the end (6) VELVET (anno?)

13 A French pair obtaining divorce? (8) UNCOUPLE

15 Arranged to lower a small spiked wheel on a spur (5) ROWEL*

16 Jabbers and irritates one (7) NEEDLES

18 Hide carefully to know about lace (7) CON(CEAL*)

19 Move out of the way of the French dog (5) DO(D)G(E)

21 Transportation of French servants’ uniform (8) DE LIVERY

23 Bony cavity occupied by a worker with spirit (6) ANT RUM

25 “Fixing” a race, the guy will get a complaint (7) {E(A)RAC*}HE

26 Oriental or English back (7) E ASTERN

28 Intend to complete the whole course? (5,2,6) START TO FINISH (nice!)


2 Outward current (7) OUT FLOW

3 It’s not to climb back a rocky height (3) TOR

4 Life line of Egypt? (4) NILE*

5 Quite possibly all aren’t at the dance (10) TARANTELLA*

6 Girl has nothing to catch wild horses (5) LASS O

7 Grants immunity to old MP set apart (7) EX{E(MP)TS*}

8 Don’t give up vulgar way of referring to a dice (5,3,3) NEVER SAY DIE

10 The chaps who dig into their tucker! (11) TRENCHERMEN

12 Nell turns to English to find her (5) E(LLEN<-)

14 Affection that’s mean and tender by turn (10) ENDEARMENT*

17 Doubtless how merchantmen left a Yemeni port (5) L ADEN

18 He is at fault to rip cult out of sorts (7) CULPRIT*

20 Stare on road, fresh water diving birds (7) (D){A(R)TERS*}

22 Six vehicle for a Bishop’s deputy (5) VI CAR

24 Strength of objection (4) BEEF

27 To name is a moral offence (3) SIN

Solution: Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 05, Monday, May 18, 2009

Thanks Col., Shuchi, Vasi Sir, and C.G. Bhargav! I am deeply humbled by your indulgence. Sorry, I ended up being away for more than a couple of days. Realized very late that it is the Memorial Day weekend - the official start of the summer here - so stayed away as I will be traveling out of country for work again for three weeks starting Friday.

My apologies for making a mess of 8dn - won't repeat it!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 05, Monday, May 18, 2009

Reposting this puzzle as it has remained unsolved. I am going to be out of town for couple of days. Will publish the solution when I get back. Hope there will be some participation ..........................


1 Visionary, out of this world! (6)
4 Negotiated on behalf of insolvent cardinal (8)
10 Bitter condiment (7)
11 Mysterious quiet between a scream and a fit (7)
12 Projection for return of a lethal virus without antidote (4)
13 Orthodox member catches me with a stupid person in a silly act (10)
15 Wounded, a mime died tragically (6)
16 Badmouth unorthodox Parsees (7)
20 I slip in a way that attracts attention (3,4)
21 Suit to wear on a campaign (6)
24 Overall, sad devastated state (2,8)
26 City inhabited by backward jat (4)
28 Dread water as a result of this (3,4)
29 Finding of fact by tense reader involved in vedic translation (7)
30 Soak in 10 ac (8)
31 Motley design (6)


1 Vamp lady, source of safety underground (4,4)
2 Investing with dignity (9)
3 Excellent violent game (4)
5 A stripper without poise ordered for hicks (8)
6 Peeping Tom's tool? (7,3)
7 Bind again English leader with strange rite (5)
8 Trojan horse code, spy deployed without permission (6)
9 Folding particle making a cow mad (5)
14 Church official admits sick international leader, a large figure (10)
17 Place of eternal youth found in garish north Los Angeles (7-2)
18 Melting a broken bond (8)
19 Huge prank after a short job (8)
22 Model son misbehaving from time to time (6)
23 Figure out lovers frolicking without Romeo (5)
25 Wealthy man spending on young woman, without a father (5)
27 Then go, after hesitation (4)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Hindu Crossword No. 9535 Monday, May 18, 2009


 1 Event with choice possibilities (8) ELECTION (if only there was a way to ensure only GOOD possibilities to choose from! GO Indian voter, nevertheless!)

 6 Difficult trip with frontrunners of the regiment entering Kohima (4) T R E K

 9 Low joints (6) ANKLES

10 Enrol the setter recalling Nepal movement (7) EM<-(PANEL*)

13 One is so when one is free (2,7) AT LIBERTY

14 One so perplexed may be caught by it (5) NOOSE*

15 Boozy grown-ups return to hold a wild party (4) ORGY<-

16 In offering one grand is included as a ‘must’ (10) OBL(I G)ATION

19 They add a shimmer to the edges of the mouth (3,7) LIP GLOSSES

21 The Ramayana, for example, featured in the pictures (4) EPIC

24 Police outpost in Mumbai suburb undergoing change finally (5) THAN(-E)A

25 Such a file has no images (5,4) PLAIN TEXT

26 American author Caldwell, for one (7) ERSKINE

27 Hilda is disturbed by a bloomer (6) (DAHLI*)A

28 Tipples in small amounts (4) SIPS

29 One who barely makes a dash (8) STREAKER


 2 See no good member for a fielding position (4-3) LO(NG) LEG

 3 They are famous people, in short (6) CELEBS

 4 Dedicates to fashionable journalists (9) IN SCRIBES

 5 Poor born extremely drearily (5) NEE DY ('extremely' wiser this time!)

 7 Decoration at the doorstep managed with energy by 51 (7) RAN GO LI

 8 Going mad, Yank licks ten tenacious fighters (8,4) KILKENNY CATS*

11 Learner goes after animal into thatched structure (6) PANDA L

12 Affairs overwhelming no little one raised by author (3,2,7) MA(N O)(F LE<-)TTERS

17 Foreign national transforms elder Rani (9) IRELANDER*

18 Soap maker? (6) ALKALI

20 Gives prominence to songs about young dog (5,2) P(LAYS) UP

22 Summary by the Orient is exact (7) PRECIS E

23 Hand-out Radha had carelessly discarded in a region of India (6) (ANDH*)RA(-DHA*)

25 Noblemen’s jetties, by the sound of it (5) PIERS (~peers)

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Hindu Crossword No. 9534 Saturday, May 16, 2009

Out of home ....... posting from my b'berry ...................



9 (SEA BR*)EEZE (~ease)

10 PA(D)RE

11 A(T SE*)A

12 (TO T)HE HI(L)T

13 I MB U(-S)E





24 (SWA*)MI


















22 (-F)LOCK



Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Hindu Crossword No. 9533 Friday, May 15, 2009

J'aime l'utilisation de mot français "tres" beaucoup, M. Gridman!


1 Slick hit turns out to be hard to handle (8) TICKLISH*

5 Able to get endlessly spacious painting surface (6) CAN VAS(-T)

9 True, lady! Gallivanting may result in love relationship (8) ADULTERY*

10 Killer of small hen (6) S LAYER

12 Sound reflection by English actor-politician (4) E CHO

13 Ignore norm modified for one who sells hardware (10) IRONMONGER*

15 A hot one is hard to deal with (6) POTATO

17 They are often in fine print (5) TERMS

20 As used to bind together bits recoiling (5) STRAP <-

21 Flee, abandoning a part of the airport (6) RUN(-A)WAY

24 Nasty annual pest destroyed (10) UNPLEASANT*

27 Partly Aristotelian author (4) ELIA

29 Writer leaves cheese for the formidable woman (6) GORGON(-ZOLA)

30 Allocated to a ship ending on the rocks without head of navvies (8) A SS {IGNED(-N)*}

31 Extremely sleazy film producer is leaving Australian city (6) SIDNEY (~disney*?)

32 Bridge players swarm over journalist held in high regard (8) ES TEEM ED


1 Exchanges with a leader of Democrats held by the very French (6) TR(A D)ES

2 Trapped hundredanything whatever (6) C AUGHT

3 Allows alien into the left section (4) L(ET)S

4 More certain on the French queen (5) SUR ER

6 “__ __ Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender …” (Hymn) (3,2) ALL TO

7 Village Officer, close to insanity, rages about sailors (8) VO Y (AGERS*)

8 Purser is disposed to give a jolt (8) SURPRISE*

11 Not frayed because it was never used? (6) UNWORN

14 Combine goes up to circuit (4) LOOP <-

16 Thanks sent up to others when not moving (2,4) AT<- REST

17 Eyedrop? (4)TEAR

18 Pacifies fool making wrong usage (8) ASS (UAGES*)

19 Ready, having cut before? (8) PRE PARED

22 Opponents in prize assembly (6) PL(EN)UM

23 United too in sack (6) B(AND)ED

25 Leave with one’s love (5) ELOPE

26 Where chicks hang out (5) NESTS

28 They are shaken at the gambling table (4) DICE

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Indulge in creative clue writing

As I commented in the previous post, I would like to invite everyone to indulge in some creative clue writing exercise. Take, for example, the following from the previous puzzle:

14 Polish 'Das Kapital'? (6) WARSAW

This was a toughie for me. It is a city, a capital and the anagrams are all very simple - saw war, was raw etc.

What would be a clever clue for this?

Also, for the next puzzle, please feel free to rewrite a better clue in addition to just the answer. I think this would be a great learning exercise and fun for everyone!

Solution: Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 04, Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thanks to Nimish, CT, Vasi Sir & Col.!

Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 04, Wednesday, May 13, 2009


1 Reportedly two of these needed to kiss flowers (6)
4 Radicals involved in 14ac (8)
9 Removers starting without note (6)
10 Building fine inns for Irish party (4,4)
11 Discoverer lost and found head in a bubble (6)
12 Rigged door bell in a house (8)
13 Vocal high-five, infectious (3)
14 Polish 'Das Kapital'? (6)
17 Examining unknown colouring (1-6)
21 Ma has bone disorder (6)
25 Can Mandela party? (3)
26 A ham coming back with Indian princess (8)
27 Meal for a Royal bunch (6)
28 Immortal Indian man sick with love in US city (8)
29 Becomes one with i-tunes (6)
30 Complaints sent with mail (8)
31 Intimidate with love, crazy! (6)

1 Warmonger after Kitty for a weapon (8)
2 Is he or she one of them needed to kiss in 1ac? (8)
3 Spanish article replaced by weapon in a plane (8)
5 Russian doctor admitted by return visa (6)
6 Unknown girl at Delhi university, an idyllic place? (6)
7 Stinky sly elm (6)
8 Guns do kill star dog turning both ways (3,3)
12 Brainy one prepared Indian dish for 26 ac (7)
15 Whiskey, Rum, Yorsh - dry, initially (3)
16 Artificial intelligence returned from evidence in trial of Diana (3)
18 Gravity draws woman's undergarments (1-7)
19 Twitch after ring related to sound (8)
20 4ac displaying exaggerated masculinity (8)
22 Ride for 26ac or lion's lunch, maybe (6)
23 Human Resources in tall bondage (6)
24 Diamond used with 15dn to cool (3,3)
25 Sock joint bone (6)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Solution: Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 03, Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kudos to Col & Nimish! 1 AC was dedicated to you, Col.!

New puzzle coming up soon .................................

Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 03, Tuesday, May 12, 2009


1 Reportedly, see horse on handle-bars (6,9)
9 True LSD rolled into a pastry (7)
10 Promiscuous woman dressed in a roll-top (7)
11 Slacker riled at work (5)
12 Agent used to lessen, with hesitation, size of 9ac (9)
13 Police officer after a person of Italian descent, subject of investigation (6,3)
15 Man with strong sexual desires, what a goat? (5)
16 Curved race ending in death, horrible (5)
18 Pleasurably excite it a little, naughty! (9)
20 Listen around in this neighbourhood (9)
23 Glance without energy but make noise (5)
24 Could cloud be related to moon? (7)
25 Speak and pay in the same currency, if in Ghana - not exactly! (7)
26 Watch out for obstacle in this clue (9,5)


1 Cleaning robots employed at Dhobi ghat (7,8)
2 German siren wrecking ship (7)
3 Unfed deer surprisingly fast (9)
4 Animals found in Salem (5)
5 What this puzzle isn't? (9)
6 Tutor nets fish (5)
7 Lunatic after a pulpy drink finds caffeine producer (4,3)
8 Both King and Jackass types are found in the same antarctic bird family (7,7)
14 I pour port to get a jar of mixed petals and spices (9)
15 What you find in a newly bought luggage? (6,3)
17 It's called rain dear, in Rio Cuba! (7)
19 Ancient lingua franca for nearly all of SW Asia (7)
21 Off-the-cuff, this clue IS 5dn! (2-3)
22 Reshammiya is accused of having this (5)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Solution: Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 02, Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Will post a new puzzle tomorrow ...........................

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 02, Tuesday, May 07, 2009


9 Bengali met Stalinism with nostalgic feelings (15)
10 A die-hard character? (7)
12 Seaport made of grass (7)
13 Moron idol? My secret dictionary says so! (9)
14 Tattoo, say about three feet long exclusive of tail (5)
15 Yiddish dope! (7)
18 Mexican toast party (7)
21 Architect and furniture designer found in Ghana, altogether (5)
23 Say scalloped (9)
25 Ancestor of Homo sapiens, no longer gay (7)
26 Applaud century of a singer? (7)
29 He lit moonlights to study Dracula! (15)


1 Artificial flavour added to the meal starter (4)
2 National Congress Committee headed by Sonia is an American civil rights organisation (4)
3 Plant lot needed to assemble car in (8)
4 Fox Napolean in a sword fight (6)
5 Upper regions of space on top to catch 11dn (8)
6 Thief left following Charlie, reported (6)
7 Widow as tart, is sad (8)
8 Boss returns, after order to join Indian bank, Italian course (8)
11 See 5dn (5)
15 Political movement, as wished by 2dn (8)
16 False elm or plant? (8)
17 Ship involved in joint session before Taiwanese and Singaporean parliaments (8)
19 Experienced sailor, on a hill, sings like a canary (8)
20 American city doesn't get any respectable Japanese follow-up to start with (5)
22 Bitter Officer-in-charge going after condensed British ale (6)
24 Ever heard of cashew lozenge? (6)
27 Distort language by decreasing tempo (4)
28 One leading 15dn (4)

Solution: Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 01, Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Thanks a ton, Shuchi & Col. Gopinath!

Shuchi - I am thinking about the "submissions" either through email or better yet through web. But the blogger is not conducive to that so I have to think of some better way. This is ok for right now in the "trial" phase till I figure out something better ...................

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Anokha's Crossword Puzzle No. 01, Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Got bored so publishing my first crossword. Will publish the FIRST fully correct submitted answer. Will publish the answer on Sunday if there are no completely correct submissions by then. Will also publish the new crossword on Sunday. Feel free to "critique" the clues (please be gentle as this is my first attempt :)

Also, please rate this puzzle on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being "extremely difficult" and 1 being "extremely easy," when you submit your answers. Feel free to submit partial answers so that I can figure out which clues are being solved and which aren't!

Thanks for your participation ......................................

1 Men never topple awkwardly before enclosure (14)
10 Express in words after, nah! (2,3)
11 Former NY mayor at airport (9)
12 Architect playing tricks with elf in Agra (2,5)
13 Model wearing close-fitting jerseys (1-6)
14 Snail found in a spiral shell (5)
16 Save the ox in a kinky way (2,4,3)
19 Foretell about sick sign (2,3,4)
20 Jointly owned apartments (2-3)
22 Remove tactfully (4,3)
25 American president said to water a herbaceous plant (4,3)
27 Translucent mineral used to resist electricity (5,4)
28 Acquired relative at home by force (2-3)
29 old-fashioned (6,3,5)

2 Corrode plants with moulds (4,5)
3 Try ale mixed in wing covers endlessly (5)
4 Device to check air pressure (5,4)
5 Lawful removal of one awful team (5)
6 Destroy halva, copy recipe (4,5)
7 Witch's place or den, in ruins (5)
8 Trick half-a-dozen (4,3)
9 American TV network disguised lion all together (2,4)
15 Trick or treat before All Saints' Day (9)
17 Use this while parking in San Francisco (4,5)
18 Doctor's low pulses? (4,5)
19 Clear network (4-3)
21 Strange-looking low sea fish? (3-3)
23 Posh society desire (5)
24 Corrupt Greek God (5)
26 Sigh heard if returning from a literary fantasy (3-2)

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Hindu Crossword No. 9522 Saturday, May 02, 2009

Losing interest here ....................................


 1 Dispenser of justice and wise men’s treat, oddly (10) MAGI S (TRATE*)

 7 Old boy escorted by soldier in desert (4) G(OB)I

 9 Material for some Chembur lapidaries (6) BURLAP

10 Oddly, a cold run for a pot for boiling (8) CAULDRON*

11 The antithesis, say, in a country (8) N(EG)ATION

12 Extinct primates that had the last word about potential energy (6) A(PE)MEN

13 More frequently, agent used in laundering fails to start (7) (-S)OFTENER

16 Boring chap, full of air? (7) WINDBAG

17 Uninhibited behaviour of a set of players, performing (7) A BAND ON

19 Similarity to a record in a big city … (7) A N(A LOG)Y

22 … in legal action, so as to allow for eventualities (2,4) IN CASE

23 Be watchful of a racket breaking out around the east (4,4) TAK(E)CARE*

26 Back pain gives American agents a spasm in South Africa (8) S(CIA TIC)A

27 Corporal, for example (3-3) NON-COM (~ non-commissioned)

28 One grand in American city, South American city (4) L(I M)A

29 Synthetic (10) ARTIFICIAL


 2 A pretty kind of angle (5) A CUTE

 3 Notoriety — of the sick perhaps (3,4) ILL FAME

 4 Indian river: it goes up around a point (5) T(A PT)I <-

 5 How popular can English be, even if in part mysterious? (6) ARCANE

 6 Scholarship auctioned? Bizarre (9) EDUCATION*

 7 Good fortune, a divine handout (7) GODSEND

 8 Re-usable missile that starts with a big noise (9) (BOOM)ERANG

14 Mathematician famous for his sequence (9) F I B O N A C C I

15 A coterie’s strange secrets (9) ESOTERICA*

18 Famous tourist spot, somewhat popular again, looking up (7) NIAGARA<-

20 Using few words, study one amongst a large number (7) LA(CON I)C

21 Finally, a map book on time (2,4) (AT LAS)T

24 Half-broken African plant (5) KENAF

25 Girl who gets a below-par backing (5) ROOP A <-