Monday, September 20, 2010

The Hindu Crossword No. 9953 Tuesday, September 21, 2010


1 Hold a tailless grouse (4) GRIP(-E)

3 Casablanca's English seat of power? (5,5) WHITE HOUSE

9 Excitement initially lacking in party (7) (-C)AROUSAL

11 Element's acceptable as a substitute for carbon in the skull (7) (-C)(+U)RANIUM

12 That padre got drunk at an unsafe place (9) DEATHTRAP*

13 Couple adopts a writer (5) TW(A)IN

14 Reveal chest containing gold for officer (3,9) AIR COMMOD(OR)E

18 Incumbent government lost a developed state (5,7) UTTAR PRADESH

21 Leaders from America said absolutely nothing about this position (5) A S A N A

22 Damn it! Opening batsman's nervous before playing a game (9) B (ADMINT*) ON

24 Officer sounded belligerent (7) MARSHAL (~MARTIAL)

25 Conclude that cancer may be inactive (4,3) SIGN OFF

26 Bump off suitor taken inside for a bit of necking (10) PR(OTRUSI*)O N

27 Not married — like 11 and others (2,2) (-M) ET AL (nice!)


1 Relative's excellent lawyer died (8) GRAND DA D

2 Working adroitly for admiration (8) IDOLATRY*

4 Perhaps Captain Ahab lost weight to become fitter (5) (-W)HALER

5 Baseless to blast fool — totally baseless (7-2) TRUMP (ED UP*)

6 Earth may be moving (13) (HEART*)BREAKING

7 John said you are not starting last (6) U R INA L

8 Queen's stock of fur (6) ER MINE

10 Either master or mistress prepares chocolates with her (13) SCHOOLTEACHER

15 Spooner's hit the shopping centres for non-veg. koftas (9) MEAT BALLS (~BEAT MALLS)

16 Place to defeat a swimmer (3,5) (SEA T) ROUT

17 Pleased that husband's in American prison? Not quite right! (8) T(H)ANK FUL(-L)

19 Prepare to become more animated (4-2) WARM-UP

20 Waves or bangs on the head? (6) HAIRDO

23 No ideal location for club (5) DISCO

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